Garland City Tournament 2004

There will be a meeting the 21st Bradfield Recreation Center 7 PM  (Bradfield park is located near Mars and Castle in Garland)     MAP

Deadlines for entry are 21st for T-Ball and 24th for all other ages but with the rain we can work with Leagues.

Use the tournament affidavit on-line (all will not apply but collects all necessary information)

The Entry fee is $120 this year. This tournament is designed for additional All-Star teams after you have selected your Williamsport teams to give more players an opportunity to experience the tournament atmosphere and fun.

Northwest's Norman Groves will host the T-Ballers, North's Holford the 9-10's, South's Central park the 11-12's and Garner's Bradfield Park the 7-8 (kid pitch). Call any of us for more information, our numbers are listed below

This has been eliminated. Players who have filed and have been approved for the new Little League Residency Waiver Request Form (regular season play) will be allowed to participate in the Garland City Tour 04.

[Seeking approval] Players who have played their regular season in a division above their age bracket and have not been selected to play District, State or Williamsport may play in their regular season bracket in the Garland City Tour 04.

The numbers so far (approx)
T-Ball -10 teams
7-8 kid pitch -7 teams
9-10 -10 teams
11-12 -6 teams
13-14 -4 teams

Junior and Senior TBD call Dave 214-682-4385

_____Final Rules set in word form will be linked here soon____________________


(Revised May 21, 2004)




South Garland (SGLL) Little League, Garner (GGLL) Little League, North Garland (NGLL) Little League and Northwest Garland (NWGLL) Little League.  All leagues will furnish at least one team per division.  Other eligible District 8 Little Leagues will fill remaining tournament positions in each division on an invitational, first come basis.  For the purpose of this tournament, the 2004 Hosting League Presidents (hereinafter referred to as “Garland Tournament Committee”) are deemed to be the officials for the 2004 tournament season.




This 2004 invitational tournament has been approved and sanctioned by Little League Baseball, Incorporated in Waco, Texas, in accordance with Regulation IX of the 2004 Little League Rules and Regulations.  This tournament is intended to be open to any District 8 Little League.


Any player(s) or team(s) illegally entered and detected during the tournament will result in the forfeiture of the last game played, expulsion of the entire team from the tournament and forfeiture of the entry fee for that team.


Should a player or team be identified after completion of the tournament, the offending league will not be invited to participate in future post-season tournaments in any league division for up to two years.  Future invitations may be reviewed, on an annual basis, by the Garland Tournament Committee.


Upon detection, notification of all deviations will be provided to the District 8 Administrator and Little League Headquarters in Waco, Texas, for handling.




Tournament rules apply as stated herein.  Any situations not expressly noted will be governed by the 2004 Little League Playing Rules (regular season rules).




TEE BALL -   5 & 6 year olds who played in the Little League Tee Ball (Tee Ball only) during the 2004 season.


AMERICAN -  7 & 8 year olds who played in their respective 7 & 8 year old coach pitch, modified coach pitch or kid pitch league during the 2004 season and were not selected to play on the 7 & 8 District Tournament team.


NATIONAL-   9 & 10 year olds who played in their respective 9 & 10 year old league during the 2004 season and were not selected to play on the State Tournament Team.


MAJOR-  11 & 12 year olds who played in the Major and Minor League during the 2004 season and were not selected to the Williamsport or 11 Year Old State Tournament Teams.



A.                 PITCHING:


1.                  A player once removed from the pitcher position cannot return to the pitcher position in the same game.

2.                  A player cannot assume the pitcher position in consecutive games.

3.                  A player cannot assume the pitcher position on consecutive days.

4.                  Maximum number of innings per pitcher, per game:  6 innings.



1.                  Maximum number of innings per pitcher per game:

a.       American League – 6 innings;

b.      National & Major Leagues – 9 innings.

2.                  No pitcher may pitch in consecutive games.

3.                  No pitcher may pitch on consecutive days.


EXCEPTIONS (refer to page T-10)

(1)        A player may pitch on consecutive days if only one (1) inning was pitched in the previous

            calendar day.

(2)        A player may pitch in consecutive games if only one (1) inning was pitched in the previous game.




1.      TEE BALL – Managers/coaches will alternate all players defensively, so that no player will sit out more than one consecutive inning.  In the event that a player does not play at least two complete defensive innings in any games, that player will start the next scheduled game defensively.  Bat the entire roster present.

2.      AMERICAN, NATIONAL & MAJOR – All players on the roster present must bat at least once and play three consecutive defensive outs. This rule also applies to substitutes. American will bat the entire roster present.  NATIONAL & MAJOR bat nine (9) or the “line-up”.

3.      ALL LEAGUES – If a player is late for the game and the manager wishes to reserve the right to place the player in the batting order upon arrival, the manager must notify the opposing manager and the official scorekeeper of the situation prior to the start of the game.  When the late player arrives, that manager must notify the opposing manager and the official scorekeeper of this fact.  In TEE BALL and AMERICAN, the late arriving player will become the last batter in the batting order.  EX: if there are now 14 players present, the player becomes batter #14.

4.      ALL LEAGUES – If a player on the bench is being held out of the game for disciplinary reasons, the player must be held out of the entire game.  The umpires, scorekeeper and opposing manager must be notified before the game of any such action.

5.      ALL LEAGUES – Any player listed on the roster as a “no show”, “not here”, “in transit”, or other wording that would lead a reader to believe or interpret that the player was not in the dugout at the start of the game, will be granted 30 minutes, from the actual game start time, to arrive and participate in that game.


The involved manager or coach must inform the opposing manager or coach and the official scorekeeper that the player has arrived prior to the 30-minute time limit.  Any player not reported in accordance with this rule will be considered on discipline and will not be allowed to play in that game under any circumstances. 

            C.        LENGTH OF GAMES:



2.                  Prior to the start of any delayed game, both managers must be in agreement to play or the game will be rescheduled by the Tournament Director.  If agreement is reached, the game will be played until the prevailing time limit.  A legal game consists of four (4) innings (3 ½ innings if the home team is ahead).  Failure to play a legal game within the time limit will result in a suspension of the game; however, all pitching records will count against both teams.

3.                  Games will be a maximum of 6 innings, unless there is a tie.  Tie games will continue until a winner is determined or time limits take effect.  Non-regulation games suspended due to the time limit will be resumed the next day.

4.                  TEE BALL & AMERICAN – No new inning will start after 1 hour and 30 minutes from the official game time.  Any inning started will be played to completion unless the home is ahead.

EXCEPTION: Championship games will be six (6) innings.

5.                  NATIONAL & MAJOR – No new inning will start after two (2) hours from official game time.  Any inning started will be played to completion unless home team is ahead.

6.                   EXCEPTION: Championship games will be six (6) innings, there is no time limit, only curfew all play stops at 11:00PM , if need to,  resume the next day.

7.                  Scheduled game times are:

a.       TEE BALL & AMERICAN – 6:00 p.m.

b.      NATIONAL & MAJOR – 6:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m.

EXCEPTION: Championship games for all divisions are 7:00 p.m.

8.                  If a game is suspended due to weather, it is a complete game if:

a.       TEE BALL & AMERICAN – one (1) hour or three (3) innings have been played (2 ½ innings if the home team is ahead.)

b.      NATIONAL & MAJOR – four (4) innings have been played (3 ½ innings if the home team is ahead.)

9.                  If a game is suspended due to weather and declared a complete game, no protest regarding the Participation Rules will be allowed.

10.              If a team cannot field nine (9) players within fifteen (15) minutes of official game time, the game will be declared a forfeit to the opposing team.

(Official game time begins when the umpire(s) states the game has started.)


D.        ROSTER:


1.                  TEE BALL – Minimum of ten (10) players per team; maximum of fifteen (15) players per team.

2.                  AMERICAN, NATIONAL & MAJOR – Minimum of twelve (12) players per team; maximum of fifteen (15) players per team.

3.                  Once the tournament has begun, no additions to the roster are permitted.

4.                  Each Little League will determine their own method for the selection of teams for the AMERICAN, NATIONAL & MAJOR as long as each player meets with the eligibility requirements stated in the 2004 Little League Playing Rules paragraph titled PLAYERS.

5.                  TEE BALL teams must be regular season teams. These teams must be intact (i.e. no combining with players from other teams) to play. Putting other players onto a team constitutes an “all-star” team, which is against Little League regulations for tee-ball.

If a league enters 2 or more teams and if these teams cannot enter intact, a league is allowed to enter one team, with that team being a “combined team” of the two top finishers. This would fall under the “combined teams” regulation, and would not constitute an “all-star” team in this case.    

The team then entered must not have more players than on their regular season roster.


            E.         PROTESTS:


1.                  Protest of tournament rules regarding sections titled PARTICIPATION, PITCHING and ROSTER must be made to the home plate umpire by the coach on the field within ten (10) minutes after the last out is made.  ONCE TIME HAS EXPIRED, NO PROTEST REGARDING THESE SECTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED.

2.                  All other protests will be made according to the 2004 Little League Regulations & Playing Rules.

3.                  Upon receiving protest, official playing time will be suspended until protest is ruled upon.  The Umpire-In-Chief will make every effort to resolve the issue using the 2004 Tournament and Little League Rules and Regulations to prove/disprove the validity of the protest to the managers and coaches of both teams.

4.                  Should the umpires fail to resolve the matter, the protest will be provided to the Tournament Director or their designee before the game will continue.  The Umpire-In-Chief will specifically state what protest has been made and what they have advised the manager and coaches regarding the protest, citing rules and regulations wherever possible to assist the Tournament Director.  A final decision will be rendered by a majority vote of the Tournament Committee.







TEE BALL & AMERICAN – The maximum offensive play for any team during ½ inning of play shall be to play until 3 (three) outs occur of until the offense bats 9 (nine) players.  Whichever comes first.




A.        TEE BALL:

1.                  Will bat entire roster present at game.

2.                  Infield will consist of a first, second and a third basemen and a shortstop.  A player will be positioned on the mound as a pitcher.  The catcher will be positioned in foul territory behind home plate.  Three additional players will be placed in the traditional positions of outfielders beyond the infield bases.

3.                  The pitcher must keep both feet on the rubber until the ball is hit.

4.                  The player occupying the defensive position of catcher must wear full protective equipment including a catcher’s mask, protective helmet, skin guards and a long model chest protector with neck collar.  All male catchers must wear a protective cup.  The use of a catcher’s mitt is optional.

5.                  While on offense, a maximum of three (3) adult coaches may be on the field of play to provide instructions to their players.  Two (2) other adults may occupy the dugout to maintain control of the players.

6.                  Managers or coaches will adjust the batting tee to the proper height for each batter prior to their assuming a batting stance.  One additional time out is allowed for each batter during their time at bat.

7.                  Managers and coaches (2 max.) may stand near defensive players to offer advice, but shall not interfere with play.  The manager or coach shall request “time” from the umpire to be recognized prior to demonstrating a technique or explaining the situation to the players during the progress of a game.

8.                  The ball is a strike if the batter hits the tee with the bat causing the ball to fall from the tee.  Should the bat hit the tee and the ball at the same time and the ball remains in fair territory, the ball is alive and must be played if the ball reaches fifteen (15’) feet in front of home plate.  (15’ is measured from the back of home plate.)

9.                  Touching the ball with the bat while the batter is lining up their swing is not a strike but will be a foul when the ball falls from the tee.  All batters are expected to take full swings (bat must clearly pass the batting tee) each time at bat.

10.              On an attempted play at a base, the runner(s) will be permitted to advance at their own risk, but not more than one (1) base per over-throw  (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home plate).  First overthrow rules, no advance on second (2nd) or subsequent overthrows.  Runner is limited to the base they are headed to plus one.

11.              Two (2) bases will be awarded (from where the runner started) should the ball go into a dead ball area.

12.              When the designated pitcher or catcher is in position of the baseball and is in contact with either the pitching rubber or home plate, the umpire(s) will call “time”.  All runners will return to the last base earned, unless forced to the next base.

13.              Players will not purposely or intentionally roll or bounce the ball to another player in an effort to retire a base runner.  If deemed intentional, the umpire will rule the runner safe, call time out at the appropriate time and counsel the manager/coach as needed.

14.              Baseball shall be a MacGregor 56.


B.        AMERICAN:

1.                  Will bat entire roster present at game.

2.                  Will pitch from 46 feet and use 9”, 5 oz. Rawlings baseballs or equivalent.

3.                  May use adult base coaches as long as there is at least 1 (one) adult present in the dug-out.

4.                  Infield fly rules are in effect.


C.        NATIONAL:

1.                  May use adult base coaches as long as there is at least 1 (one) adult present in the dug-out.

2.                  Infield fly rules are in effect.


D.        MAJOR:

1.                  No limit on the number of player’s league age 12 allowed to pitch during the tournament.

2.                  Base coaches: 1 adult and 1 player.



1.                  To avoid injury, sliding into any base or avoiding contact is mandatory if a defensive player is being made on the runner by a defensive player WITH THE BALL (except first base).  Failure to slide or avoid contact will result in the runner being called out.  If a collision with the defensive player occurs and in the opinion of the umpire, the foul was intentional, the player will be removed from the game without warning.

2.                  Unison chanting at any time is forbidden.  No manager, coach, player or spectator at any time, whether from the bench or playing field or elsewhere: (1) deliberately attempt t distract an opposing fielder or batter; (2) use language which will in any manner refer to or reflect upon opposing players, an umpire or spectators; (3) incite, or try to incite, by words of action, a demonstration by players or spectators.  The offender shall be removed from the game.

3.                  Managers are responsible to maintain discipline for players, assistants and spectators.  Derogatory statements to, or arguments with the umpires, are forbidden.  Any profane language is prohibited.  Offenders will be told to leave the ballpark after one warning.

4.                  Tournament strike zones are as follows:

A.                 AMERICAN – Armpits to knees with no home plate allowance.

B.                 NATIONAL & MAJOR – Armpits to knees with no home plate allowance.


The strike zone will be based upon a normal batting stance for each individual player.



1.                  It is mandatory that each manager carries with them, the PITCHING AFFIDAVIT/ROSTER.  This must be turned in to the official scorekeeper along with the lineup at least 15 minutes prior to that game.  At the end of the game and at pitcher changes the official scorekeeper will update the Pitcher’s Affidavit.  It is the responsibility of each manager to verify the scorekeeper’s totals before leaving the park.  Once verified the results will become official.

2.                  Failure to submit the PITCHING AFFIDAVIT/ROSTER prior to the game is protestable.  The offending team will have until ten (10) minutes after the completion of the game to produce the official copy of this form or the game will be declared a forfeit to the opposing team.



1.                  The Umpire-In-Chief at each game will make a determination as to the eligibility of all playing equipment.

2.                  Each league will be responsible for providing the baseballs for the games at their field.



            The following concession stand numbers are provided in case of emergencies or checking on field conditions should inclement weather arise.  Should a need to cancel a game or games arise, every effort will be made to contact the manager of any team affected in order to avoid unnecessary travel.  It is imperative that each team provides the Tournament Committee with reliable phone contact numbers for their team.


            Tournament Director – Dave Christensen  972-272-2665

  SITE 1 (NWGLL)        972-276-9752     Dave Christensen   H:  972-272-2665

 Norman Groves Park                                                               M:  214-682-4385

                        e Patterson      H:  972-494-2684


SITE 2 (GGLL)            972-276-2646          Laura Wilkett       H:  972-205-0825

            Bradfield Park                                                                M:  469-487-6257


 SITE 3 (SGLL)            972-276-4756      Warren Calvert        H:   972-840-1356

            Central Park                                                              M:  469-964-3234


                                                   or Mary Koerner   H:  972-226-8786

  SITE 4 (NGLL)           972-495-1941        Rodger Williams     H:  972-530-6028

            Holford Park                                                              M:  214-707-2153



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