Rules- 2004           WORD VERSION       



 1. Playing rules shall be governed by the 2004 Little League Playing Rules and will apply during all Inter-league games. All regular season Inter-league games shall count towards each team’s total win loss record. The team with the best total record shall be declared the regular season Inter-League Champion. See the end of these rules for tie breaker information.


·          Special Pinch runner rule shall apply   7.14

2. Each league, participating in the inter-league play, shall supply two (2) umpires and game balls for their respective scheduled or rescheduled home games. If a team travels to another park for a scheduled or rescheduled game with home team designation, responsibility to field 2 umpires for this game is the scheduled home team. Each participating league shall be responsible for paying their own umpires

3. Each Manager/Head Coach shall carry a true, current and completed pitching affidavit (completed in ink), along with the “official” team roster to each game. These are to be signed by the League President and Player Agent and shall be submitted to the “Official Scorekeeper” before each game The “Official Scorekeeper” shall record each pitcher’s full name, age, and number of innings pitched for each player that participated in the role of pitcher of each game on the Pitcher Affidavit in ink. The “Official Scorekeeper” shall also record the final score of the game and the date of the game on the Pitcher Affidavit along with the “Official Scorekeepers” signature in ink. If a team fails to submit the completed pitching affidavit to the “Official Scorekeeper” prior to the start of the game, the game will automatically be played under official protest, at no cost to either coach. If a team submits the affidavit prior to the end of the game, the official protest will be withdrawn, and the opposing coach may review the affidavit for participation or pitching violations, as usual. If the affidavit is not submitted prior to the end of the game, the official protest will remain, and the offending team, subject to review by the Inter-league Commission, will forfeit the game.

4. “Official Scorekeepers”, at each inter-league game, shall be provided by the home league and are responsible for recording the umpires’ official game start time and for the notification to the umpire in chief of potential participation of ineligible pitchers but shall not be involved with any dispute regarding participation or player eligibility. If the violation has already occurred, the scorekeeper shall take NO action

5. Notification for the need to reschedule a game must be received by the requiring teams’ league President or Inter-League Commission Representative, a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the scheduled game’s date and time for that game to be rescheduled. Otherwise the game shall be a forfeit if one team fails to field at least 9 players. Meeting this requirement is not to be considered a guaranty that the game will indeed be rescheduled however, if this requirement is met then every reasonable effort shall be taken by the Inter-League Commission to accommodate the need for rescheduling into the next available timeslot, within two weeks, at a) the home teams’ field, b) the visiting teams’ field or c) any available field. A game will be rescheduled no more than 1 time per team (with exception of rainout

6. No new inning shall begin after 2 hours from scheduled start time. The umpires on the field shall keep the official game time.

7. Any team that cannot field 9 players within 15 minutes after the scheduled start time shall be ruled in a forfeit. (The Umpire in Chief shall declare the game a forfeit

8. Inter-League games shall be governed by Little League Rule 4.11 with the exception of: In the event that a regulation game ends in a tie, the game will not be resumed, and ½ win and 1/2 loss will be awarded to both teams

9. Designation of “Home” and “Visitor” shall be scheduled to balance, as closely as possible, the number of Home and Away games for each. Local field maintenance rules shall be followed by all coaches, including bases, raking etc. Teams will leave bleachers and dugout areas clean and free of refuse.

10. Each league shall be responsible for maintaining the standings (win/loss record) of their teams for the purpose of declaring individual league champions. All regular season games, Inter-League and division must count for division standings.

11. In the event of a protest, if the umpire cannot resolve the protest, the game shall be finished “under protest” and noted as such in the “official” scorekeepers’ score book. The manager/coach initiating the protest shall submit his official written protest immediately and a $25.00 check for the protest fee within 24 hours of the end of the protested game to his/her Inter-League Commission Representative in order for the protest to be considered. The Inter-League Commission shall confer within 24 hours of receipt of the written protest to determine the outcome of the protest. IF the coach/manager, who initiated the protest, is determined to have won the protest, the check shall be returned to the coach/manager un-deposited. If the coach/manager who initiated the protest is determined to have lost the protest, then the check will be deposited into the receiving league’s general fund.

12. The Head Coach of a team, making offensive or defensive changes, shall report those changes immediately to the “Official Scorekeeper”, the Umpire in Chief and to the Head Coach of the opposing team. This rule will not supercede the Little League Rule 3.08; it is however set as a courtesy to all involved.

13. Coaches or designees must present the completed legible, “line-up” cards containing the first and last name, number and position (preferably position number) of players and the pitching affidavit, to the “official scorekeeper” no later than ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the game. This is a courtesy for all involved.

14. Coach/ Manager, assistant coach or player who violates the rules or ethics

of sportsmanship, is subject review by the Inter-League Commission. A

written report shall be submitted to the Inter-League Commission within 24

hours after the alleged event. The Inter-League Commission can take action that it deems appropriate including, but not limited to: suspension or referral to the appropriate Board of Directors. If the Inter-League Commission has not rendered a decision before that individuals next scheduled game, that game shall be rescheduled. Every reasonable effort shall be made by the Inter-League Commission to meet and reach a decision before that said individuals next scheduled game.

15. The option to modify rule 4.04, affecting batting order and substitution rules Is not adopted for inter-league play. Teams will bat the lineup, and free substitution is not allowed


In the event that 2 teams have identical win/loss records at the end of the season, the interleague champion will be determined by the following tiebreakers. The first tiebreaker that identifies a difference between the .teams will decide the winner of the tie.

1.  Head to Head Competition - The team that has won more games in head to head competition between the two teams wins the tiebreaker.

2.  Points Allowed If teams continue to be tied, the team that has given up the least amount of runs in head to head competition between the two teams wins the tiebreaker.

3.  Runs Scored (Entire Season) - If teams continue to be tied, the team that has scored the most runs in all regular season games for the entire season wins the tiebreaker.

4.  Playoff If teams continue to be tied, a one game playoff game will be played between the teams. The winner of the playoff game wins the tiebreaker. on-line magazine
VLaboratories 2004

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